Saturday, August 30, 2014

Week 5: The Placenta and Sesame Seeds

Week 5:

I don't know quite how to describe the tumult of emotions I felt when I realized I was pregnant.  Elation?  Surprise?  Fear and anxiety?  Ready and yet woefully unprepared?

And although it might sound strange, mostly I was relieved.  I'm a pretty high energy person, and have always needed less sleep than other people.  I think I can count on one hand the number of times I've slept past nine o'clock in the morning in my entire life.  So yes...relief.  Relief that I wasn't going nuts, or was sick... ...that there was a very good reason that my body seemed to suddenly have a mind of its own and wanted to nap at all hours of the day, sleep through people playing horseshoes next to my tent on river trips, and go to bed at 7:45pm.  I was growing a new organ.  A placenta!  Evidently, placenta growing is very difficult work.  Placenta growing requires lots of naps, and lots of snacks.  

CNP, 2014.
So after realizing that I was indeed pregnant (and peeing on about a box of tests to make sure) I sat down to figure out what was going on with my body.  I'm lucky:
My partner has a sweet little girl, and is supportive, involved, and has been through all of "this" before... which means he already understands about tenfold more than I do about being pregnant.
One of my sisters is a doula and a midwife... which means that she is available to answer the bazillion questions that I have at interesting hours in the day or night (thank you Izzy).
I have girlfriends and another sister who would go to the moon for me if I needed it.

So in my closest circle, long before the first doctor's appointment or the ritual of telling the news to my wider circle of people, I have access to trusted information, honest advice, and loving support.  And of course, there is the wealth of information on the internet and in about ten pregnancy books that were in a box in the back of a closet.  Fun times.

A quick summary of week 5:
CNP, 2014.
Beware readers!  Following the journey of the embryo's growth and development will feel surprisingly like a trip through the produce aisle in the grocery store.  I have yet to read a pregnancy book or website that does not compare the size of the embryo or fetus or uterus to some food item.  I find it mildly disturbing...  ...and yet perfect fodder for humor.

Because yes, this is going to be a wild and amazing journey, but if I can't laugh along the way?  I'd go nuts.

Until next week,
(Well, somewhat sooner, actually.  I'll be posting week six in the next few days.  I've been trying to update my blog every Friday, but now that my 'real job' has begun, it seems that the weekend will work better for blogging.)

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