Sunday, November 2, 2014

Week 14: Is she? or just too many bananas...

Week 14...

Welcome to the second trimester!  This marks the end of hiding, the end of morning sickness (hopefully), and the beginning of great growth and development.

I was thinking this week about my adjectives for "huge," and I realized that for the most part I don't actually look pregnant... long as I am able to enjoy a cup of coffee in the morning.  Some mornings, coffee tastes terrible, and if I go three or four days without caffeine, I (how do I put this delicately?) look very pregnant as a result.

CNP, 2014

I got a little excited this week as well about the size of the bambino.  For the first time, most pregnancy books weren't using produce aisle metaphors.  It is the size of an iPhone, or half of a banana, and can move its facial muscles, pee and do all sorts of other actions that no doubt I'll find adorable in six to seven months.

But for now?  Still produce aisle, and it still wants me to snack.

CNP, 2014

Until next week,

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